Birmingham, AL Family Photographer

I met the Northcutt family when Erica was expecting with her daughter. One of my favorite things about photographing families is the relationships I build along the way. I was able to do maternity photos for Erica, and then had the amazing honor of photographing Landyn’s birth. Birth photography is my JAM. I love every aspect of it. Watching a little human enter this world is straight up the coolest experience, and seeing the whole family meet that little baby for the first time MELTS ME. Landyn was a beautiful little baby and has grown and changed so much! Just look at her now. So beautiful and all smiles. Big brother, Gavin, is just as sweet and a joy to photograph. You can see the love in this family, and that makes photographing them and capturing those sweet moments so easy. Just wanted to share a few of my favorites with you guys. :)

birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer

Birmingham, AL Family Photographer l Cotton Field Session l Fall Mini Session

I had so much fun catching up with the Barrow family! <3 Erin and Josh allowed me to capture baby Beau’s birth and to do his newborn photos. He was a chunky baby at birth, and now has the most fabulous/squishy rolls! Seriously just couldn't get over how much he has grown and changed. He is precious! Big brother Oliver is just as handsome and loves his brother.

Erin was really wanting cotton field photos, and decided to make the long drive out to the location. Thankful for clients who are willing to drive almost two hours for a session with me! I’m so glad they did too, because we got the most beautiful images. The sun was setting behind us, and the golden hour + the cotton made for a magical session! Here are a few of my favorite images!

birmingham al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al child photographer