Birmingham, AL Family Photographer

One of my favorite things about family photography is getting to meet new people! This was my first time photographing the Turnipseed family, and I was so impressed with their children. So well behaved and polite. They made my job so very easy! Big bro was so sweet with his sister. <3

birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer

Birmingham, AL Family Photographer l Cotton Field Session l Fall Mini Session

I had so much fun catching up with the Barrow family! <3 Erin and Josh allowed me to capture baby Beau’s birth and to do his newborn photos. He was a chunky baby at birth, and now has the most fabulous/squishy rolls! Seriously just couldn't get over how much he has grown and changed. He is precious! Big brother Oliver is just as handsome and loves his brother.

Erin was really wanting cotton field photos, and decided to make the long drive out to the location. Thankful for clients who are willing to drive almost two hours for a session with me! I’m so glad they did too, because we got the most beautiful images. The sun was setting behind us, and the golden hour + the cotton made for a magical session! Here are a few of my favorite images!

birmingham al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al family photographer
birmingham, al child photographer

Birmingham, AL Child Photographer

One of the coolest things about doing family photography is getting to see the sweet babies you photograph grow and change over the years, like I have with Miss Peyton.

I’ve had the privilege of documenting her first year. From when she was still growing in her mother’s tummy, to her entrance into this world, that sweet newborn phase, and now the milestone of turning ONE.

She has changed so much over the past year and is just ADORABLE.

In an effort to keep it real, I will tell you that photographing small children is not always easy. I’m sure you’re shocked to hear that. ;) BUUUT…this girl. I don't know if I’ve ever had a one year old be this kind of happy. Like smiling the whole session, ya’ll. From start to finish. She didn't even make me work for it either.

I cannot get enough of her toothy grin, that pigtail, and those chubby thighs. Cute, cute, cute.

Can I get a million more Peyton’s please!! :)

birmingham al child photographer
birmingham child photographer
birmingham child photographer
birmingham al child photographer
birmingham child photographer
birmingham al child photographer
birmingham al child photographer
birmingham al child photographer
birmingham al child photographer
birmingham child photographer
birmingham al child photographer
birmingham al child photographer
birmingham al child photographer
birmingham al child photographer