Birmingham, AL Family Photographer

One of my favorite things about family photography is getting to meet new people! This was my first time photographing the Turnipseed family, and I was so impressed with their children. So well behaved and polite. They made my job so very easy! Big bro was so sweet with his sister. <3

birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer

Birmingham, AL Child Photographer

I loved getting to photograph these 9 month old twins and their 3 year old brother. It was a beautiful afternoon, but it was HOT. Alabama summers are no joke! Despite the heat we got some great shots!

I feel a certain connection with moms who have multiples. I can relate to them. I know the struggle! I know what their days are like! You can image that their mom is pretty busy taking care of three kids under three every single day. Being a stay at home mom is so rewarding and such a blessing, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are so many hard days! I speak from experience. I remember when my girls were this age, I felt like I didn’t sit down until they went to sleep. There are no breaks! However, the amazing part of spending your days with tiny humans is that you don’t miss anything. You are there for every little milestone. You get to soak up all the sweet and special moments as they grow!

Feels like yesterday that mine were this age and we were just in survival mode, and now they are going on 7! Time goes by way too quickly and babies really don’t keep. All the more reason to take lots of photos of your sweet babies so you can remember every detail of their little faces!

birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer
birmingham, al child photographer

Birmingham, AL Maternity Photographer

I so enjoyed meeting this gorgeous mother-to-be and her husband. We shot her session at Botanical Gardens and mostly used the greenhouse for our setting. They are expecting their first and obviously super excited! Here are a few favorites from their maternity session.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer
birmingham, al maternity photographer