Birmingham, AL Family Photographer

I shot this session back in the early summer, but I’m just now getting around to blogging it. Better late than never I guess! We did the session at the Botanical Gardens, and it was HOT. Thankfully we all survived the heat and were able to get so many sweet shots! Trent and Hannah make the prettiest babies. I was able to do Samuel’s newborn photos when he was just a couple weeks old. It’s hard to believe he’s now ONE. Time passes by way too quickly! But check out how cute he is with that blonde hair! Here are some of my favorites!

birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer
birmingham al family photographer

Birmingham, AL Maternity Photographer

Just wanted to share a few favorites of this gorgeous momma’s maternity session. I was able to document baby Mathew’s birth about a month after these images were taken. Blog post of his birth coming soon. :)

birmingham al maternity photographer
birmingham al maternity photographer
birmingham al maternity photographer
birmingham al maternity photographer
birmingham al maternity photographer
birmingham al maternity photographer
birmingham al maternity photographer
birmingham al maternity photographer
birmingham al maternity photographer

Birmingham, AL Birth Photographer

Photographing a birth is by far my favorite part of my job. There is just nothing like seeing a new little life enter this world and being there for his/her first breath. This sweet momma, Jessica, had to have a C-section with her first and wanted to attempt a v-bac with baby number two. Not only was she successful, but the whole experience was just perfect. Super easy labor and delivery! She did awesome!

Being there to document little brother’s reaction was just the very best. I’ve never seen any sibling his age be so smitten. I also took video of him meeting his sister and oh my heart! I’m so glad I did. I was able to include this in the slideshow, and I know it’s something they will all cherish. I’m always so thankful that I’m trusted to document such special moments in my client’s lives. :)

birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer
birmingham al birth photographer