Birmingham, AL Birth Photographer

Jamie contacted me while she was expecting her third baby - a boy. She wanted to find a photographer who could capture video of her family the night before she would deliver their son. She and her husband have two young daughters who were very excited about the upcoming birth of their new brother. She wanted to documents their last night as a family of four and to capture their excitement and preparations for their brother’s birth the next day.

I traveled to Jamie’s the night before her scheduled C-section and met the family. I have to say she is one of those people that I felt instantly comfortable with and felt like I had known her forever. Not only is she great, but her family is pretty awesome as well! ! I loved getting to see how excited her girls were about their baby brother being born the next day. We took video of them showing me gifts they had put together for their brother, which included some pretty sweet pictures they personally colored just for him. Then they snuggled up in bed and read a few books. Over the summer Jamie had been reading them a story that centered around having a baby brother, and it had become a favorite for the girls. As she read to them, they snuggled up next to her belly, and it just melted my heart. I love documenting these kind of sweet moments for my clients.

The next day baby Dash was born, and we documented the whole birth from start to finish. My favorite part of the day was seeing his sisters’ reaction to meeting him! Here are a few of my favorite images from the day! <3

birmingham, al birth photographer
birmingham, al birth photographer
birmingham, al birth photographer
birmingham, al birth photographer


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birmingham, al birth photographer

Birmingham, AL Birth Photographer

If you know me well, you know birth photography is my passion! It’s by far my favorite part of this job. This momma chose to labor naturally, and I was so amazed with her strength. I couldn’t do it! She labored all throughout the night and was finally ready to start pushing around lunch the next day. I raced over to the hospital and caught the last hour or so of active labor and was able to document their boy’s entrance into this world. They had worship music playing all throughout labor and pushing and it was just the sweetest atmosphere. I’m always amazed by the entire birthing process. With every birth, I cant help but think of scripture and see the Lord in the whole process. What a blessing it is to carry and birth a child, and to be entrusted to raise that child.

This was their first baby, and he sure was cute! They were of course instantly in love with him.

These are just some of my favorite images from the day. :) So thankful for all the moms and dads who allow me to be apart of such a special day!!

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birmingham, al birth photographer

Birmingham, AL Birth Photographer

If you know me well, you know I love documenting births! Seeing a life enter this world is the most incredible experience. At times, I’ve felt like I might have missed my calling as a L&D nurse! Every birth is so special, and it’s an experience that I love and always look forward to photographing. I had to share some info and images from my most recent birth session.

Hanna and Travis welcomed their first baby, Landon, on January 4th at St. Vincent’s Birmingham. Hanna had planned to receive an epidural, but things didn't go according to plan. She ended up having to labor and give birth naturally, and I’ve truly never seen any mom be quite as tough as her. Tough as NAILS, y ’all. She stayed completely in control, focused on her breathing, and just totally blew us all away. I told her repeatedly that she is superwoman! The strength of the female body and it’s ability to grow a tiny human and bring that tiny human into this world is nothing short of AMAZING.

One of my favorite things about photographing a birth is capturing mom and dad’s emotion when they see their baby’s face for the first time. There is just nothing like it! Not to mention those moments after when they finally get to hold their baby for the first time, do skin to skin, feed baby, and so many other “firsts.” Those moments only happen once and are so fleeting, which is why I think birth photography is so special in that you will always have the images to remind you of the day.

Congrats to Travis and Hanna on welcoming the sweetest little baby boy. I’m so thankful I was able to document his birth and be apart of the day in a small way.

Here are a few of my favorite images of the day!

birmingham, al birth photographer
birmingham, AL birth photographer
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